Wubuntu@Milan Design Week 2022


The Concept:Open 打开

The design work OPEN, is a part of NexLab’s Tableless Ware Experimental Project in innovating the concept of ‘table’, and is exhibited in 5Vie.it of Milan Design Week, joining the 1001-Nights Collection of Co-Creando Milano (Dr. Fatina Saikaly). By making this OPEN tea-set, an intercultural team is trying to explore the dynamics of culture (especially between China and South Africa) in a fixed setting (tea time), which promotes an OPEN gesture—it is a embracement about the diversity of how we do the same craft in different ways, how we enjoy tea-time with different approaches, how we balance the private and social, and how we communicate our stories with others, in all, it’s about lifestyles. So, the tea-set consists of six sets of cups, each set is a combination of: an African calabash (carrying the gesture for sharing) and Chinese cup (carrying the gesture for personal use); the low-temperature ceramic craft from South African and the high-temperature ceramic craft from China; the white and blue color characterizing both the starlight of The Southern Cross and the classical Chinese porcelain pattern; and 3 pairs of AR smart installations representing cultural icons from both countries are attached in creating a cultural exchange conversation and entertainment among users when enjoying the tea-time together. What is more fascinating is that the design in whole is a story of 1001-Nights, as it is co-designed by a team led by Lisa (Sinethemba and Brandon) from South Africa focusing on the craft part, a team led by Han (Baofeng, Chenxiao, Kai, Linlin, Jingbin) from China focusing on the interaction part, and a team of Chinese anthropologists in South Africa (Tian & Pengfei) focusing on the intercultural facilitation, which makes the whole work as an open dialogue from the journey of creating to the final design output. 

经历了一百天跨越中国深圳,南非开普敦以及意大利米兰三地的联手设计及精心制作,2022年6月,由深圳大学NexLab未来生活方式设计中心,开普敦Lisa Linnow画廊,以及专注中非跨文化交流的吾步徒公司共同创作的“中国-南非”跨文化交流的茶具“打开”(Open)在2022年米兰设计周的《一千零一夜》展览一鸣惊人。

“打开”通过“无界设计”针对“以茶会友”的交流形式进行创新和探索 。它结合了非洲熏烧,中国陶瓷,以及AR技术,把中国和南非的故事精心呈现。故事从夜空中的星星开始讲起:主体容器像一个天体,通过烟熏自然上色,展现深邃的星空和星云,代表宇宙、地球,任何人类共享之物。 小容器选取了南非传统部落生活中的Calabash(葫芦,也就是瓢)和中式茶杯,分别代表了原始生活方式中的共享文化和现代生活中的个体化。六个茶杯上的六幅图案紧密联结中国和南非文化:北半球的北斗七星对应南半球的南十字星;中国的荷花对应南非的帝王花;中国的熊猫对应南非的跳羚…… 鲜活的AR形象会在用指定app扫描茶杯上的图案后跃然屏上,带用户踏上中国和南非跨文化交流的奇幻旅程。



“打开”的跨文化设计团队阵容强大,包括深圳大学艺术学部的韩晗博士以及设计师团队(陈保枫,高晨霄,曾恺,冯林林,席景斌),南非陶器艺术家Lisa Linnow女士及团队(Sinethemba Xola,Brandon Ambronski),以及吾步徒创意总监田辰博士和跨文化智囊朱鹏飞老师。”打开“得到了2022年米兰设计周《一千零一夜》项目总策划米兰Co-Creando事务所的大力支持。


Ceramic experiment for the craft-gesture meaning exploration: South African Calabash & Chinese Tea Cup Integration




Interactive experiment to open the tea-time cultural joy



3 pairs of cultural icons 三对文化符号 

Lotus v.s. Protea Flowers 莲花vs帝王花

The Big Dipper v.s. The South Cross 南十字星vs北斗七星

Panda v.s. Springbok 熊猫vs跳羚

represent both culture from China and South Africa 



AR stickers to distinguish users functionally, and to open dialogues culturally, with more flexibility.



The whole tea-set design initiates an OPEN pose, as what we tend to act for the dynamics of future lifestyle



Produced by:



Supported by:

Shenzhen University 深圳大学

Farnova Group 法诺集团

Coordinated by:

Wubuntu 吾步徒

Lisa Linnow Gallery

Time & Location:

06.June to 12.June

1001 Nights Table, Co-Creando, Milano

5 Vie.it, 5Vie Design Week, 2022

Fuorisalone, Milano Design Week 2022